My name is Curran Jensen and I'm a freelance web developer from Nova Scotia, Canada.
I specialize in backend development in PHP using the Laravel Framework, however I also know enough about frontend to consider myself a full-stack developer :)
I am familiar with the following tech:
- HTML 5
- Modern JavaScript (Vue.js)
- CSS (TailwindCSS)
- PHP 8.1 (Laravel)
- TALL stack (Livewire and Alpine.js)
- Testing (PHPUnit)
- Source code control (Git)
- Web hosting and application deployment (Digital Ocean, Laravel Forge/Envoyer)
I am always learning new things.
Please contact me if there is anything I can help you with!
Connect with me on Twitter: @curranjensen
From the blog
Quick Wins With Dynamic Relationships in Laravel - Jan 14, 2023
Extending Jonathan Reinink's dynamic relationships continue reading
From the portfolio

This project was built for a crafter based in Nova Scotia. It features a filterable gallery of products, information about upcoming craft show appearances, provides information about usage and care of products, and offers a convenient contact form. In addition, a custom blog is available. The app... continue reading